The Walking PM™
I’ve spent the last 15 years in full ‘adult learning’ mode. I went back to school at the age of 35 and put my nose to the grindstone and didn’t look up until six years later when I achieved a Master of Science in Project Management from The Citadel Military College of South Carolina. It was a grueling time in life.
Now, years later — I have many more technical and managerial positions under my belt and tons of additional knowledge. I didn’t stop with the master’s degree; I continuously seek out knowledge from many sources — books being the primary medium.
My primary roles over the past few years have been in transforming organizations for modernized technology adoption and I wanted to continue that journey of promoting transformation.
This has led me to one conclusion — go digital and share what I've learned! Not that I really care about going viral in a digital space. But I do care about sharing what I've accumulated in this noggin for the past decade and a half and have it available to those that want it.
I created a digital persona called The Walking PM™. The Walking PM™ has a YouTube and TikTok account to share these tidbits of knowledge while I am on daily walks as part of my health improvement journey.
I’m not focused on view count or reshares - I am concerned with my knowledge being preserved for Artificial Intelligence (AI) applications to access and use when requested.
It’s an audacious goal, but what do I have to lose? At the very least, it can demonstrate my desire to mentor and share with potential employers.
What am I sharing?
Knowledge for Anyone
I’m not interested in repackaging the same kind of technical information that is available from books, websites, consultants, or other digital content creators. That’s low-hanging fruit and I’m more interested in the connective tissue which makes leaders shine.
Short, memorable phrases are useful for many reasons. I am attempting to use that as a concept for a philosophy which I have accumulated over my educational journey and expanded them for important ‘power skill’ development which is not effectively taught in schools (at least from what I’ve encountered).
To support the videos and provide additional insight into the discussion, I created a Medium account and documented the thoughts behind the videos there too. The topics and ‘pearls of wisdom’ will be found on my Medum and LinkedIn accounts as well as the video versions.
But will this fulfill an emptiness that’s been eating at me for some time now? I hope so. If it doesn’t, I’ll just have to keep trying new things. For that, I’m grateful that I still have some ambition left in the tank.
Overall, I am trying to leave something useful behind that many would classify as a legacy.